Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 - My hopes, dreams and wishes for the New Year

I've been thinking lately what I would like to accomplish in the new year.  Everyone makes resolutions and mine are probably no different than most.  So here are a few that I think are important to me.....

1. Get in shape - I am not happy with my weight or my health. Since Zoe's birth, I have gained weight and have really slacked off on taking good care of myself. I am not eating as well as I should and have been consuming waaaay too much sugar lately. I am hypoglycemic and this is just foolish of me. 

We took our first family portrait last week and when I saw myself, I was shocked and saddened. What happened to me? I was really unhappy with the way I looked and felt, too.

I am so careful to teach Zoe healthy eating habits and living a healthy life but living what I preach would be the best way to show her.

2. Develop my confidence and do more photography projects. I love taking pictures!! I have to admit that I have had no inspiration lately to create. I don't know if it's my confidence, feeling depressed and blah, lack of time.....what ever it is, I need to get back into what I love.  I take a million snapshots of Zoe. Anyone that sees my facebook page can attest. But, i need to challenge myself and develop new skills as a photgrapher.

3. Get organized and declutter. My apartment can very well look like an episode of hoarders. Ok maybe it's not that bad but it is not where I want to be. We share a tiny 1 bedroom apartment with our daughter and cat. To say we have clutter, is an understatement. There is much organization and improvement to be made. I know that I can do better. Yes, we need bigger space as Zoe grows but for now I need to tackle our current space. I need more positive, Zen energy flowing through our space. 

4. Figure out my financial path and get more debt down. I don't even want to type more than I have to about my debt. It's out of control and suffocating me. I need to spend less and pay down this beast.

Ok so those are my top 4. I know that not everything will change overnight, but I do need to accomplish these goals in the near future.  I am motivated and feeling postive about the changes that I need to make.

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